AAP to make government in Delhi as per the Exit Polls

There is a good news for the AAP and a bad news for the BJP if we go by the exit polls. All exit polls have given a majority to the AAP in today held Delhi Assembly election 2015. BJP tried very hard to win these elections and it brought Kiran Bedi into BJP to tackle popularity of Arvind Kejrewal.

If predictions of exit polls become true on 10th Feb, 2015 then it will be first major defeat for the BJP. As the per exit poll, AAP to 41% votes in Delhi Assembly election, which are 12% more than Delhi Assembly election of 2013.

The BJP vote share is likely to remain 33% just one percent more than a last assembly election.

As per the exit polls, AAP can get 35 to 55 seats in Delhi and BJP can get 20-30 and Congress just 0-4.

In recent times, exit poll predictions have become quite accurate; therefore, this is clearly a worrying sign for BJP. It looks that BJP's strategies to defeat AAP have failed in Delhi.

The final results will available on 10th Feb, 2015 and then, we will come to know that who is the real winner of Delhi. So far exit polls have made Arvind Kejrewal again CM of Delhi. 

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