Today counts has taken place for the recently held bypolls for vacant assembly seats in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat. Elections held for 11 assembly seats in Uttar Pradesh, 9 assembly seats in Gujarat, 2 seats in West Bengal, 1 seat in Telangana and 4 assembly seats in Rajasthan. Most of these seats are of BJP, which became vacant after present MLAs won Loksabha elections. At the per the trends and results available, it looks that BJP has lost its edge which it gained in the recent Loksabha election. Below find live results of recent bypolls held in Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat and Rajasthan Assembly election 2014.
Also visit- Who will win 2017 Gujarat and Himachal Assembly Election
LiveResults Uttar Pradesh Assembly ByPolls (ByElection) for 11 seats
Trends/Results -
Total Seats - 11
Results/Trends - 11
BJP - 3 (-8)
SP - 8 (+8)
Live Results Gujarat Assembly ByPolls (ByElection) for 9 seats
Trends/Results -
Total Seats - 9
Results? Trends - 9
BJP - 6 (-3)
Congress - 3 (+3)
Live Results Rajasthan Assembly ByPolls (ByElection) for 9 seats
Trends/Results -
Total Seats - 4
Results/Trends - 4
BJP - 1 (-3)
Congress - 3 (+3)
Live Results West Bengal Assembly ByPolls (ByElection) for 9 seats
Trends/Results -
Total Seats - 2
Results/Trends - 2
BJP - 1 (+1)
TMC - 1 (0)
Also visit- Who will win 2017 Gujarat and Himachal Assembly Election
Total Seats - 11
Results/Trends - 11
BJP - 3 (-8)
SP - 8 (+8)
Live Results Gujarat Assembly ByPolls (ByElection) for 9 seats
Total Seats - 9
BJP - 6 (-3)
Congress - 3 (+3)
Live Results Rajasthan Assembly ByPolls (ByElection) for 9 seats
Total Seats - 4
Results/Trends - 4
BJP - 1 (-3)
Congress - 3 (+3)
Live Results West Bengal Assembly ByPolls (ByElection) for 9 seats
Total Seats - 2
Results/Trends - 2
BJP - 1 (+1)
TMC - 1 (0)